Growing Tensions on Temple Mount as Ramadan Ends
Ramadan Prayer Alert

Growing tensions on the Temple Mount

Continue praying for Israel as it faces ongoing terror attacks and threats as Ramadan season completes, with various attacks carried out and dozens more prevented by security forces.

Your prayers are needed as there are currently radical forces trying to destabilize an already fragile situation, by rioting on the Temple Mount, forcing Israel to involve security forces to defuse the situation, and then presenting it to the global media as though Israel is attacking Muslim worshippers inside Al Aqsa mosque on Temple Mount during their prayers.

It’s a shameless and false narrative used to inflame hatred inside Israel as well as hatred towards the Jews from the outside.

Israel is facing backlash and pressure from the outside world while trying to defend itself and is accused of “destabilizing” the situation, when in fact it is Israel that continues to be the target of security threats, terror, and escalation.

Pray for God’s protection and covering over Israel, and for the destruction of the enemy’s plans, so only God’s plan will stand!