Reaching out a helping hand to Jewish Refugees from Ethiopia

I will bring you from the nations and gather you from the countries where you have been scattered with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm…

Ezekiel 20:34

Currently, we are reaching out to a very special community of Jewish refugees from Ethiopia who fled a country plagued with war and terror, with the hope to find a future and a home here in Israel — the land of their forefathers.

To continue to receive returning Jews here in Israel is wonderful in so many ways, as it is a reminder that even today God is fulfilling His promises by bringing back His people to His land.

It is especially important to be that helping hand because it is an answer to a call from the Israeli ministry of absorption for new Olim (immigrants), that contacted us, acknowledging the important part Christians around the world play in supporting Israel, oftentimes being the only friends our nation has.

This precious community of Jewish Olim from Ethiopia are currently living in a Kibbutz in the north, and their journey has not been easy, to say the least. Many of them have waited for years for permits to finally board the plane bringing them to Israel with their families.

Having left everything behind, they are grateful for every bit of help and assistance we can offer them, even with the most basic essentials.

We are putting together special care packages for 80 families (600 people in total), each will contain: Bed sets, plates, towels, utensils, pots, pans, pillows and comforters.

Things we often take for granted are considered luxuries to those who have nothing, and that is why it’s so important to reach out a helping hand to those who need it most.

This basic, yet essential starter kit valued at $140 for each family of immigrants, is an incredible blessing to those that left the only home they knew behind and returned to their God given ancient homeland.

Through this important outreach, our aim is to help them get established as they start their new lives here in Israel, as well as to encourage and strengthen them as they begin this exciting new phase of their lives.

We’re making a final effort to raise sufficient funds to bless all 80 families during this project. Whatever you feel in your heart to give towards that cause would be a tremendous blessing!

Would you consider blessing one family with a donation of $140 or more, that will provide them with a care package to cover their immediate needs in the land.

As believers, we were given a mandate from Yeshua to care for our own, to not neglect the poor and needy. God provides, but He uses our hands to distribute the blessing. Prayerfully consider becoming His hands of blessing!

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