Seats of Praise!

Seats of Praise!

God’s Miraculous Provision

Faithfulness is probably the easiest way to measure the depth of someone’s love. When you see a need and you rush to satisfy it, it is such a precious and nurturing way to show you love and care. Providing something practical may not seem very spiritual, but it is in the eyes of the Lord. Yeshua never neglected or minimized people’s practical needs. After a whole day of teaching the multitudes, He couldn’t just let them leave hungry. He took compassion on them and performed a miracle that fed thousands with ample left over. 

The need to equip our new building with chairs was a crucial need, but the cost was overwhelming. Not knowing how we were going to find the funds to pay for them, we took it to the Father and placed it in His hands. Before we knew it, some faithful angels in the form of dear friends of this ministry came rushing to help provide this important request. 

It’s not about how little or much you have to give but about how God takes it and turns it into a satisfied need or an answered prayer. Chairs may seem like a small, insignificant item, but each seat has the potential of holding someone who desperately needs to encounter Jesus. Each chair will be prayed over and blessed by our team, petitioning the Holy Spirit to move in the heart of each person who occupies it. We are expecting a powerful move of God in our church that may just begin very simply…. with a chair.

We are so grateful to our supporters for your willingness to partner with as we make our sanctuary a safe and comfortable place to worship. How wonderful it will be to praise God from the very chairs your generosity provided.

Thank you for your faithfulness!