Liza first came to us just days after arriving in Israel having fled Kharkiv, Ukraine with her two children and parents. She was heartbroken having to leave her husband behind, while trying to get her family to safety.
She came to Beit Hallel’s Humanitarian Relief Center in order to get aid, and when we started talking, Liza broke down in tears, obviously shaken and traumatized at what they had to live through.
Through tears Liza shared her deep pain of having her apartment in Kharkiv destroyed by rockets, not knowing what would happen with her husband that had to stay behind and join the war efforts.
As we were speaking, it became evident that Liza was also experiencing physical pain, not only emotional. She has such severe PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) that on top of the nervous breakdowns she experiences, she also has severe muscle cramps and spasms causing her whole body to clench suddenly and involuntarily.
As we stood there, seeing Liza’s pain and grief, we told her about God’s love and His plan for her life. She needed to hear that God did not forsake her, and it was the perfect moment for prayer. We prayed for her healing, for encouragement from the Lord, and for Liza to meet Yeshua personally. It was a powerful moment that impacted Liza deeply; she stopped crying and felt not only emotional heaviness and grief lifted but also her physical pain was gone in an instant.
She was stunned how it was possible to suddenly feel no pain? We told her that God was healing her from the inside out.
Liza’s story is one of so many we personally hear every day while working and helping new Olim and refugees that arrive broken, desperate, filled with hopelessness and uncertainty, having fled actual horrors of war.
There are thousands of families that arrived in Israel, specifically in Ashdod. They need our help urgently, today.
Join our Humanitarian Relief Efforts for new Olim and refugees. Become part of the frontline of rescuers who are sustaining, reaching, and lifting up Jews fleeing from Ukraine and returning to Israel.
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