TIME OF WAR — Urgent Prayer for Ukraine

Urgent Prayer for Ukraine

As we sit to write you this update, the unthinkable is happening in the very heart of Europe, on Ukrainian soil. As close as only a 2.5-hour flight away from Israel, an unprecedented attack is taking place against Ukraine and its population at the hands of Russia. The scale of this full-blown war is absolutely horrendous, every possible part of Ukraine has been brutally invaded and attacked.

It’s one thing to read about a war taking place in a faraway land, but it’s very different when it’s a place where many of us have been born, raised, where we have families, relatives, friends, communities, brothers, and sisters in Christ.
This is an extremely difficult and emotionally charged situation for so many of us here at Beit Hallel congregation, watching and receiving updates on the horrors taking place where most of the people have left friends and family behind.

As believers and followers of Yeshua, we are called to be alert and attentive to the times we’re living in. We know full well that nothing that is happening in the world is a surprise to God. Yeshua told us that certain things will come and will take place, that we should take it as a sign of the times we’re in.

When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come.

Mark 13:7

We also know that the most influential and powerful weapon we have as believers is prayer. God has called us to be guardians and watchmen on the walls, to pay attention and to be aware of things that many might miss, so we can intercede and stand in the gap wearing the full armor of God.

The situation is currently absolutely horrifying and we can only pray, while also preparing and gearing for the “day after tomorrow” — the day this is over. There will be so much to do, help, restore, recover and rebuild in so many ways.

Currently, there are about 4000 Israelis stuck in Ukraine without being able to come back home, because all airports are shut down and/or bombarded, while the air space of Ukraine is closed off. The borders are saturated with people trying to flee and it is almost impossible to cross them at this point.

There are too many Ukrainian Jews currently trying to get out and make urgent Aliyah to Israel, which at this point is logistically impossible, despite the fact that Israel has been expediting the immigration procedures for Ukrainian Jews that are trying to get out. We must prepare for the unprecedented influx of Ukrainian refugees we will be receiving in Israel in the upcoming days, weeks and months. It’s going to require a great deal of resources, however if not now, when?
This is the moment of truth. If we, as believers, don’t step to the front now and reach a helping hand, when then? Time is running out. Yeshua warned us about the signs of the end-time, and we cannot be ignorant to the fact that we are currently living in the very times He warned us would come.

As believers, we cannot ignore what is happening and get complacent or comfortable, thinking this doesn’t affect us all. We have to be engaged and involved in any way we can. One of those ways is through prayer and intercession. We must take our place as God’s prayer warriors and pray over the unfolding situation. The world needs to be reminded that God is real and they will see His glory. There’s a large Jewish community in both Ukraine, as well as Russia. They are both facing incredible uncertainty and are preparing to take the necessary step towards returning to Israel.

There’s also an amazing large Christian community of believers, both in Ukraine and Russia. They need our prayers, as well. They have been unwillingly placed on two different sides of history right now when in actual fact they are forever united as brothers by the same blood of Jesus.

Please pray for Ukraine, for the protection of millions and millions of innocent civilians that are currently subject to ongoing bombings and military strikes. They do not have bomb shelters, many are forced to seek shelter in the subway or cold basements, with small children, in the middle of winter.

Pray for people’s salvation through it all, that in these desperate, most horrific and trying times, people will find Jesus as their only hope and salvation.

Pray for God’s hand over Ukraine as it is facing its darkest moments; that God’s grace and mercy will cover this nation that has such a great big amount of devoted believers of Yeshua. May His glory shine the brightest through this dark moment.

Another way you can get involved is to donate towards helping us gear up towards the massive influx of Jewish refugees from Ukraine to Israel. Every bit counts and it will truly make a difference in this terrible time of need.

Stand with us in prayer as the events continue to unfold in Ukraine, with many of our relatives, friends and loved ones there in the line of fire.