Warming Hands & Hearts in Israel

Warming Hands & Hearts

With yet another year approaching its end, this season is always a wonderful time in which we celebrate Hanukkah and Christmas with our families – blessing one another with gifts as we celebrate the Lord’s gift to us. It is also the perfect time to reach out to those in need and less-fortunate.

We are having a special “Warming Hands & Hearts” winter relief project for refugees and new immigrants providing them with heaters and warm blankets. It might seem like something small, or something we take for granted, but you would be surprised how much of a luxury it is for so many people and families in need.

This festive season is a time of family gatherings, celebration, and receiving wonderful gifts from our loved ones, but it is also a very difficult time for Jewish immigrants who came to Israel leaving everything behind, and simply cannot afford warm blankets and heaters to get them through the winter.

Would you consider blessing a family with a gift of $100 that will provide them with an electric heater and a quality winter blanket?

Providing as many families as possible through one generous donation will be a bigger blessing than you know. And what better way to close off the year than to become an answer to someone’s prayer?