Women are not only the bearers and nurturers of life, they also infuse it with a unique, gentle, and fierce strength that reflects God’s own character.
We cannot overemphasize the importance of women’s role in our lives. They are the warriors that fiercely fight for us, as well as the gardeners that cultivate and nurture the soils of our lives and ensure the seeds that are sown grow healthy and fruitful.
It is plain to see how God views this wondrous creation in His Word. We must realize that equipping women for their calling and revealing their God-given potential should be very high on our priority list.
In order to do this, we must be able to connect with a woman’s heart to find out what drives her and makes her feel alive. However, navigating through the incredible jungle of a woman’s heart and emotions is not an easy task.
Taking that into consideration, we have tailored our upcoming Women’s Conference towards empowering and providing women with unique tools that will allow them to discover their calling and teach them how to draw into a secret place of a deeper and more intimate relationship with the Lord.
Investing in women is sowing into our own future as a nation. They are the pillars of our society, communities, congregations, as well as our families.
Our team is going over and above to create an empowering and enlighting environment for this conference.
Please pray with us for an amazingly anointed time for the women in our congregation as they will gather together in the Lord’s presence and feel His overwhelming love poured into their hearts.