Our Team: Professionals who love God and who love His people
Harley Kolterman
Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer
In 1980, Harley Kolterman said “Yes!” to the call of God to proclaim the Gospel and make disciples of all nations. Since then, he has brought the Good News of Jesus Christ to over sixty nations through preaching, teaching, feeding the hungry, bringing aid to the poor, and training pastors and leaders. Along with his wife, Karen, he is the founding pastor of My Father’s House, Inc. in Ft. Wayne, Indiana.
In 2012, Pastor Harley co-founded Voice of Judah Israel with Pastor Israel Pochtar. Pastor Harley holds credentials with Provident Ministries International, Ltd. and is a member in good standing of Provident Ministerial Network.
Together, Pastor Harley and Karen are blessed with three married children and twenty-five grandchildren (seven in heaven) who faithfully love and serve Jesus.
Greg Ranney
Chief Operating Officer
Greg Ranney, a Pastor with The Assemblies of God fellowship, is the Chief Operating Officer of Voice of Judah Israel (VOJI). He travels the United States to share how God is using VOJI to share His love with the Jewish people. He is also responsible for building relationships with our partners and developing new ones.
Before joining VOJI, Greg worked in the secular business world for more than 25 years developing strong leadership skills in others and motivating people to use their God given abilities and talents to their preeminent potential. He has a desire to see the Church unite; regardless of denomination, and to see Pastors develop strong relationships with other Pastors of different backgrounds.
Greg has been married to his beautiful bride, Maylynne, for 34 years, has four children, and one amazing grandson.
Sasson Pochtar
Sasson Pochtar is the son of co-founder Israel Pochtar. He lives with his wife in Ashdod, Israel and is the Youth Pastor of Beit Hallel congregation.
Maylynne Ranney
Fundraising Coordinator
Maylynne Ranney is Voice of Judah Israel’s Office Manager. She is also the Fundraising Coordinator. She oversees the day-to-day office as well as directs our team of volunteers. She has over 20 years of experience in planning, organizing, and working with partners, donors, and venues. She works with our local Israeli team to put together the spring and fall banquets.
She has been married for more than 34 years and has four wonderful children and one amazing grandson.
Serge Maretski
Vice President of the Board
Serge Maretski is Vice President of the Voice of Judah Israel Board of Directors.
Faith Statements and Doctrine
VOJI has faith in the one true God at the core of our existence, all we do is for His glory.