Called to be Fishers of Men
How you can be a part of releasing full-time evangelists in Israel

Called to be Fishers of Men

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations…

Matthew 28:19

That’s the great commission in action through normal people with normal lives, but with extraordinary calling leading to extraordinary results.

We are all called to be disciples and carry the gospel to this lost world, but every now and again, we cross paths with unique people that have a true special anointing and calling on their lives, and it is evident by their way of reaching people and the fruit they bear fruit

Chaim and his wife, Miriam are both prime examples of this anointing. Their dynamic and loving people approach has made them a great blessing to the ones they reach with the Gospel.

Miriam’s path of evangelism is quite remarkable. Miriam is a stay-at-home mother of 6 who spent most of her time at home with her children yet felt the calling to “go out and make disciples”. This seemed almost impossible to her as she rarely left her house, but she prayed that God would put people in her path that needed to hear about Yeshua.

But God isn’t limited by anything. He creates divine encounters everywhere.

Even though she spent most of her time at home, Miriam sometimes would take her children to the park to play. One day, at the local playground, she met Naomi, a young mother who was also there with her children. Naomi was a bit reserved at first and didn’t seem to want to talk. It took a while to get a conversation going, but once that barrier was broken, Miriam was able to share the Gospel message and lead her to Yeshua.

What happened next was incredible! Naomi was completely transformed after Miriam led her to Yeshua. So complete and so radical was the change, that Naomi ended up leading one of our bigger home groups for the newly saved.

Both Miriam and Chaim are incredibly passionate about people and reaching the lost. It’s amazing to witness how God use them to see people healed and saved through them everywhere they go.

These are the type of workers we need in the fields of Israel.

The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.

Matthew 9:37-38

There’s so much harvest in Israel these days that it becomes not about looking who to reach, but having the workers and resources to send them out into the fields.

That is what we are currently praying and looking for: Those who are passionate about reaching the lost sheep of the house of Israel and who are willing to invest in supporting workers like Chaim and Miriam, to be released full-time into the mission fields of Israel, carrying the gospel of Yeshua the Messiah to His people, until “…all Israel will be saved.Romans 11:26

Are you, your church, or your home group sponsoring evangelists in the fields where people hunger for Yeshua/Jesus?

Would you consider investing and supporting a full-time Israeli harvest worker?

The turbulent days we’re living in indicate there hasn’t been a better time than now. There are few callings as precious as sponsoring those who have been commissioned by God to carry the Gospel into uncharted spiritual territories. Israel is one of the most unreached nations in the world, with only 30,000 believers out of 9.3 million people.

If you, your church, or your home group would like to sponsor evangelists Chaim and Miriam on a monthly basis or with a one-off gift, please consider making a donation TODAY!