Momentous Milestones!

Momentous Milestones!

Spreading the Vision

Biblical Ashdod is mentioned many times in the Bible, but what drew me to this city was the prophetic future God outlined and showed me this city holds. 18 years ago, God stopped me in my tracks and clearly told me He was calling me to start a Hebrew congregation in Ashdod. Little did I know, God would build it into something far greater reaching than I could ever imagine.

Zechariah 9:6-7 speaks about the future of Ashdod, and that scripture became the driving force behind our vision. “But he who remains (in Ashdod) even he shall be for our God, And shall be like a leader in Judah.” Zechariah 12 also speaks about the upcoming revival in Ashdod, as well as other cities of Judea.This Word has been the building block of our work.

Seeing what the Lord has done over the past 18 years, the thousands of lives that have been touched and changed by the gospel is a humbling experience. He has grown our once small congregation into one of the largest, most dynamic Hebrew-speaking congregations in Israel. God’s glory is only growing as we make Yeshua known to the nation of Israel. We can think of no better way to honor the 18th year of the Lord’s blessing than by organizing a special evangelism outreach celebration in Jerusalem, the city where the Great Commission was given.

Staying faithful to the vision the Lord gave us two decades ago, we firmly believe that evangelism is one of the most important parts of the ministry. Especially here in Israel, where there is so much blindness, lack of knowledge, and even outright resistance to the gospel. We have a mandate as believers to reach the Israeli nation with Yeshua’s message of salvation to His lost sheep and see the fulfillment of Romans 11:26 “and in this way, all of Israel will be saved.”

Our upcoming evangelism campaign in Jerusalem will be held at the end of this month. We will be giving hundreds of people the opportunity to hear the gospel for the first time in their lives. What an amazing opportunity! We believe that it is God’s desire to reconcile these people to His Son, Yeshua. Join us as we bring the message of the Cross that will open hearts and bring salvation to the lost.

Will you partner with us to spread the Good News of forgiveness and love to our brothers and sisters in Israel? It is God’s heart that NOT ONE should perish. Together, we can make this happen and see hundreds receive the gift of eternal life in our Lord, Jesus Christ!